My Why

I have spent so much time over the years brainstorming how I could be better and do better in the teaching world and in the world of inclusion. My hope is that these two are not separate discussions in the future.  As a classroom teacher, there was nothing stopping me from doing my best to meet the needs of all of my learners, and I always did the best I could. Unfortunately, meeting the needs of all of my learners seemed impossible. It broke my heart to leave our classroom at the end of the day (or night) knowing that if there was more time, more money, and more support there could be a better experience for my students.

We all have unique abilities and talents, none of which is greater than any other. All students have strengths and all students have stretches. No assessment or group of assessments, and no report or set of reports, can fully encapsulate the essence and knowledge of any child as a whole person. I decided to open a private practice with services to support learners who, for any reason, may need more support than they receive in the classroom or at home. Let’s unlock that learning potential!

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